Nobody ‘cept you, Bob Dylan

Nobody ‘cept you, Bob Dylan

Lyrics of song "Nobody ‘cept you" by Bob Dylan

Nothing ’round here to me that’s sacred ‘cept you, yeah you
There’s nothing ’round here to be that better ‘cept you, yeah you

You’re the one that reaches me, you’re the one that I admire
Every time we meet together I feel like I’m on fire
Nothing matters to me and there’s nothing I desire
‘Cept you, yeah you

Nothing ’round here I care to try for ‘cept you, yeah you
Got nothing here to live or die for ‘cept you, yeah you

There’s a hymn I used to hear in the churches all the time
Make me feel so good inside, so peaceful, so sublime
Now there’s nothing that reminds me of that old familiar chime
‘Cept you, yeah you

Used to roll in the cemetery
Dance and run and sing when I was a child
And it never seemed strange, now I just pass mournfully
By that place where the bones of life are piled
I know somethin’ has changed
I’m a stranger here and no one sees me ‘cept you, yeah you

Nothing any more seems to please me ‘cept you, yeah you

Nothing hypnotizes me or holds me in a spell
Everything runs by me just like water from a well
Everybody wants my attention
Everybody’s got something to sell
‘Cept you, yeah you, I’m in love with you

Published on October 9, 2015 2063
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Song Nobody ‘cept you Original version Bob Dylan

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Nobody ‘cept you

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